Five youth launch their own original tees through ArteSana Youth Studio Summer 2022 program

Lakyesha Heredia photographs Jedediah Arocho modeling her original tee in the alley of our shop.

"Something I care about is my community and the people within it. This design is about where I come from in Holyoke and wanting to give a shout out and elevate our representation within the whole community. Making it I learned not only the process that goes into making shirts but also many ways to go about starting a business." ~Jayden Moquin, 16

"I made this because it's something I connect to and it's important to me and my family, who I care a lot about. My favorite part of making this is being able to make my own design and show off my Taino roots." ~Kaisha Serrano, 16

"This design is about a quote by Anuel AA combined with the Holyoke seal. I made this because I love Spanish music and the quote inspires me. I put it with the Holyoke seal because Holyoke is also a very important place to me. My favorite part of making this is being able to create my own idea and sell it." ~Elisamuel Ramirez, 15

"Something I care about, besides my family and one friend, is how Roe vs Wade was overturned. This design is about expressing what I think and spreading more support for choice especially in the Puerto Rican community by connecting the PR flag to the message." ~Lakeysha Heredia, 14

"This tee shirt is for anyone who loves Holyoke and/or Puerto Rico, and how there is a special connection between the two places. I was inspired by the new mural on High Street (by artist Dom Rimx located at 147 High St) to envision all kinds of ways the street could look and created a hand-drawn version with the island of PR. I later found out that right across the street from this mural is a building that will become the new location of Paper City Clothing Company after renovations so I added the number of that building into it: 144."