ArteSana Gallery & Youth Studio
At Paper City Clothing Company we are fueled by the belief that art has a transformative power, and especially for young people. Through ArteSana Youth Studio we offer free design, screenprinting, and entrepreneurial education workshops and create work opportunities each summer for high school aged youth. Through ArteSana Gallery we make visibility and economic opportunities for exciting emerging artists, prioritizing those who have historically been underrepresented in the art world, and we open our gallery doors to make art experiences more accessible and welcoming for the Holyoke community.
Behind the new name for our community work: ArteSana, beloved community organization and fellow social enterprise here on Dwight Street in downtown Holyoke, came under one roof with us as a nonprofit partner in Spring 2020. Our gallery space and youth programs and community arts initiatives at Paper City Clothing Co carry the name ArteSana in recognition of the ArteSana legacy now embedded here. To learn more about the history of ArteSana check out their website and the below timeline that chronicles their journey from 2013 to 2020.
ArteSana Youth Studio